CMAT 2021 Exam Pattern Overview

CMAT exam is conducted by NTA for admission in postgraduate management programmes. It is an online exam consisting of four sections. These four sections include Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension and General Awareness. 25 multiple choice questions are asked from each section, amounting to 100 questions in total. All sections have equal weightage. The exam is conducted in online mode only. The medium of the exam is English. Get detailed information regarding the CMAT 2021 exam pattern, marking scheme, sectional weightage and more, below.

CMAT 2021 Pattern Highlights

Highlights of CMAT exam pattern:
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CMAT 2021 Exam Pattern: Section-wise Weightage

CMAT consists of four sections of equal weightage in terms of no. of questions as well as marks. However, in a case when making the merit two candidates get an equal score, sectional scores will be considered in following order for tie-breaking: Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, General Awareness.
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CMAT 2021 Marking Scheme

Marking scheme of CMAT 2021 is as follows:

  • For each correctly answered question, 4 marks will be awarded.
  • For each incorrectly answered question, 1 mark will be deducted.
  • Unattempted question will be given no marks.
  • In case of multiple correct option or change in key, only those candidates who have answered correctly according to the revised answer key will be awarded marks.
  • If a question gets dropped due to technical error full marks will be given to all candidates who have attempted the question.

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CMAT 2021 Exam Pattern: Sectional Details

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation: This section includes questions from quantitative aptitude topics such as average, percentage, algebra, mensuration, geometry, time and work, speed work and distance, tabulation, pie chart, graph, ratio and proportion, fraction etc.

Logical Reasoning: This section includes questions from reasoning topics such as blood relationships, cause and effect, analogy test, linear arrangements, direction and distance test, matrix arrangements, Analytical reasoning, Non-verbal reasoning etc.

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CMAT 2020 Difficulty Analysis

The difficulty level of CMAT may differ from year to year. In the  CMAT 2020, the difficulty level was generally moderate.

Section Difficulty Level
Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation Moderate
Logical Reasoning Easy
Language Comprehension Moderate
General Awareness Moderate

CMAT 2021 Mock Test

  • CMAT 2021 will be conducted in online mode only.
  • Sample mock test will be made available on the NTA website for hands-on practice for appearing in CBT test mode.

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FAQs on CMAT 2021 Exam Pattern

Q. Is CMAT 2021 Exam online?
A. Yes, CMAT 2021 will be conducted in online CBT mode only.

Q. What is the medium of CMAT exam?
A. Medium of CMAT 2021 will be English.
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