PG Ayurveda Course Details:
Full Name – MD Ayurveda (Ayurveda Vachaspati) • MS Ayurveda (Ayurveda Dhanvantri)
Duration – 3 Years
Affiliated University – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science
Teaching Medium – English
Exam Type – Yearly Exams
Eligibility – BAMS Degree + AIAPGET 2024 Qualified
Specializations – 21 Specializations
Admission Type – Merit Quota | Management Quota
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PG Ayurveda Course In Karnataka
MD Ayurveda courses are offered in Top Ayurvedic medical colleges in Karnataka which are affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore. 22 PG Ayurveda specializations are offered under MD / MS Ayurveda course in Karnataka colleges. In total 14 MD Ayurveda and 8 MS Ayurveda specializations are available in these Ayurveda colleges located across 24 districts of Karnataka state. These PG Ayurveda course is offered as per the norms of CCIM, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi and RGUHS, Bangalore.
Interested students have to appear for an entrance exam for securing admission for PG Ayurveda courses. More information about these MD Ayurveda course admissions, application, specializations and Ayurveda colleges is given in brief in below sections.

MD/MS Ayurveda Admission Eligibility
Ayurveda colleges in Karnataka offer MD/ MS Ayu. courses that are recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, and in Karnataka, it is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.
- Candidates having a BAMS degree from a University specified in the Second Schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970 shall be eligible for admission to Postgraduate degree course.
- Candidates must have appeared and qualified in All India AYUSH Post Graduate Test (AIA-PGET) for academic Year 2024 for MD / MS Ayurveda admission.
Apply Online For MD Ayurveda Admission Guidance in Top Ayurveda colleges in Karnataka.
MD MS Ayurveda Branches
Given below is the list of the specializations offered in Best Ayurveda medical colleges in Karnataka under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science and other Private Deemed to be Universities as per the norms of Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi.
Candidates can click on the respective branches to know more details about the course structure and Ayurveda colleges in Karnataka offering these courses.
MS Shalya Tantra (General Surgery)
The MS Shalya Tantra PG course provides students an in-depth understanding of the principles of modern surgery. Students will be learing about Ano-Rectal Diseases, Wound Management, Urinary Disorders and Fracture Healing. This course also includes study of ancient surgical procedures, clinical and surgical applications of various treatment modalities and other clinical aspects.
MS Panchakarma (Panchakarma)
MD in Panchakarma is a Clinical course in Ayurveda. Panchakarma literally means five methods of body purification. This PG branch deals with Purification therapies of Ayurveda and provides a basic understanding of the principles of Bio-Purification methods. Panchakarma PG course prepares students to be a research scholar, an efficient teacher, an Ayurvedic physician and a surgeon.
MS Prasuti avum & Stri Roga
MS in Prasuti Tantra & Streeroga provides training in Ayurvedic Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics. Prasuti tantra deals with pregnancy, labour and puerperium and Streeroga deals with management of diseases manifesting specially in women. This PG course teaches theoretical and practical knowledge in Gynecology and Obstetrics, management of antenatal and postnatal care, common gynecological problems and menopausal syndrome to utilize the techniques of female health care.
MS Shalakya Tantra
MS in Shalakya Tantra is a clinical branch in the Ayurveda, This course deals with integration of knowledge of Ayurveda and recent medical researches in the field of ophthalmology. Special training is given on management of certain eye diseases to the students. The program prepares students to manage many diseases that affect the eye like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataract.
MD Kayachikitsa (Medicine)
MD in Kayachikitsa is a Clinical course which deals with the division of General Medicine in Ayurveda. Kayachikitsa, representing the school of medicine forms the basis for all other branches of Ayurvedic treatment and hence this lays the foundation for shaping a skilled Ayurvedic physician. Students will be able to design a treatment protocol with medications as well as specialized therapies.
MD Rasa Shastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana
MD in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana is Non – Clinical course. This PG course prepares students to become an Ayurvedic physician who is capable of formulating and preparing medicines according to the specific needs of a patient. MD Rasashashtra course provides training in medicinal chemistry and preparation of highly potent medicines from minerals and metals.
MD Kaumarbhritya & Bala Roga
MD Bala Roga is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda. This branch deals with neonatal care, infant feeding, diet for newborn, daily and seasonal regime and also deals with diseases and disorders relating to children including nutrition of children, immunization etc. The subjects taught in this course are Anatomy, Childcare, Nutrition, Family Welfare, and Child Psychology, etc.
MD Swastavritta & Yoga
MD in Swasthavritta is a Non – Clinical course which provides training on the principles and practice of Social and Preventive Medicine at both the personal and communal levels. This course offers elaborate guidelines and regimens for maintaining and promoting health of the individual and the community integrating modern concepts with principles of Ayurveda.
MD Mano Vigyan Avum Manas Roga
MD Mano Vigyan is an emerging branch in Ayurveda which provides quality education and trains scholars in research skills. Medical and psychiatric care is provided for the patients with complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of a general Ayurveda physician. Students are trained to give Medical and psychiatric care for the patients with complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of general Ayurveda physicians under this branch.
MD Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant
MD in Ayurveda Samhita is a Non – Clinical PG Ayurveda course which provides research training in the study of classical texts of Ayurveda, their scientific exploration and validation. The aim of this MD Ayurveda course is to provide orientation of specialties and super specialties of Ayurveda and to produce experts and specialist who can be competent and efficient teachers, physicians, surgeons in various field of Ayurveda.
MD Rog Nidan Avum Vikriti Vigyan
Rog Nidan Avum Vikruti Vigyan plays a vital role in Ayurveda medical science. The Post graduate studies in this subject is designed in such a way that the students become good researchers and confident medical professionals in Ayurveda. The curriculum is designed to develop excellent diagnostic knowledge among PG student.
MD Agad Tantra Avum Vidhi Vigyan
MD Agadatantra is comprises of three subjects Toxicology, Forensic Medicine, & Medical Jurisprudence. This PG course deals with detail study of poisons, medical aspect of law & legal aspect of medicine. Agadatantra branch gives complete knowledge of various kinds of toxicities & legal procedures.
MD Rachna Sharira (Anatomy)
MD Rachana Sharir deals with the detailed study of the structural anatomy of the human body that includes embryology, histology, osteology, etc, along with their integration of a system to teach the nuances of functional anatomy. This PG course teaches constitution of the body according to the panchabhuta system, embryological and genetic considerations, anthropometry, various body tissues, organs and vital points as described in ayurveda.
MD Kriya Sharira (Physiology)
MD Kriya Sharira deals with the study of the human body in relation to its physiological norms. It denotes the knowledge/ understanding of functioning of the body in Ayurveda and modern context. The aim of the department is to provide adequate knowledge of human physiology which is highly required to understand the pathological condition in diseased state.
Kriya Sharira is the most important knowledge of an Ayurveda Practitioner. It is essential to understand the mechanism of the body as well it is helpful to be aware of the pathological conditions in the diseased state.
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana
MD Dravyaguna course deals with the complete science of herbal plants. Course includes study of pharmacognosy, pharmacology and therapeutic uses of the plants. Ayurvedic drugs, especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical forms, to get maximum therapeutic effect.
MD MS Ayurveda Syllabus
MD Ayurveda is a 3-year post-graduate course which is divided into 6 semesters. Apart from the theory classes, in clinical training the student shall have to acquire the knowledge of independent work as a specialist. For those who shall choose clinical branches such as Shalya, Shalakya and Prasuti & Stri Roga the student shall have to undergo training of investigative procedures, techniques and surgical performance of procedures and management in the respective specialty.
Detailed syllabus for all the branches of MD / MS Ayurveda is made available on the official site of CCIM, New Delhi as well as RGUHS, Bangalore. Students are advised to refer the same for further information.
MD MS Ayurveda Admission Procedure
AIAPGET 2024 For PG Ayurveda Admission
National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting AIAPGET 2024 entrance test and has made online applications available for interested candidates for admission to various PG Ayush Courses for the academic session 2024.
The national level exam for admission of eligible and qualified candidates in MD/MS/PG Diploma in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy courses is expected to be held in June 2024. AIAPGET 2024 is a computer-based test (CBT). Candidates can apply online for AIAPGET 2024 online by accessing the website
For PG Ayurveda courses admission in medical colleges in Karnataka, students must qualify in All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET). For both Merit and Management quota category, candidates must have qualified in AIAPGET entrance 2024.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting AIAPGET 2024 entrance test and has made online applications available for interested candidates for admission to various PG Ayush Courses for the academic session 2024.
AIAPGET-2024 namely ‘All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test 2024’ will be a single entrance examination for admission to Postgraduate AYUSH Courses for the academic session 2024-25. It includes All India (Open/other States) and State quota seats for admission to MD / MS / PG DIPLOMA Courses in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy system of medicine for all AYUSH Colleges, Institutions & Universities/ Deemed Universities across the country.
Last date to apply for AIAPGET exam is 6th June 2024. Entrance exam date is yet to be announced by the NTA.
Top Ayurveda Colleges For MD Ayurveda admission 2024
Around 24 ayurvedic colleges in Karnataka offer PG Ayurveda courses for the students. Admission for the MD Ayurveda courses are based on the candidate’s qualifying scores in AIAPGET 2024 entrance. Below are the top Ayurveda colleges offering MD MS Ayurveda courses in Karnataka.
MS Shalya Tantra (General Surgery)
MS Panchakarma (Panchakarma)
MS Prasuti avum & Stri Roga
MS Shalakya
MD Kayachikitsa (Medicine)
MD Rog Nidan Avum Vikriti Vigyan
MD Agad Tantra Avum Vidhi Vigyan
MD Rachna Sharira (Anatomy)
MD Kriya Sharira (Physiology)
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana
MD Rasa Shastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana
MD Kaumarbhritya & Bala Roga
MD Swastavritta & Yoga
MD Mano Vigyan Avum Manas Roga
MD Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant
- Course Name : MD MS PG Degree
- Duration : 2 Months
- Medium of Instruction : English
- Exam Types : Online
- Course Affiliation : Affiliation Name
- Approval : Approval Name
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